
Growing an arts & research platform

The team of the Swiss National Science Foundation financed research project ‘Plants_Intelligence’ trusted us with the conception, design and development of an extensive website presenting their work. The online archive makes accessible the varied material emerging from their research into the intelligent behavior of plants. Working as a research platform, it provides structure over a broad body of papers, artworks, performances, documentary videos, photos, sculptures and more. Playing with details such as arabesque type paths and interactions reminiscent of natural environments, our design gives ‘Plants_Intelligence’ the contemporary and dynamic identity it deserves.


With a smooth color transition in the background, the landing page reflects the varied seasons, times and ecosystems which foster growth in different organisms. The colors vary depending on the current time at the visitor’s location. Fetching data from the accessing device, a different set of colors is displayed for either morning, noon, afternoon, evening, or night.


Just like species coexisting in a biosphere, all entries on the platform are complexly interlinked. With a hierarchical system of tags, categories, and topics, they can be accessed in both systematic and explorative ways.


An interactive glossary of pertinent terms accompanies visitors on their journey through the topic’s many facets. While excerpts from it are embedded in the texts, it is accessible as a whole as well.

A library reminiscent of a book shelf as well as plants growing from soil provides an overview of the literature published by the project team’s members.


Visit the website here →.